
What is Palestinian?


-A native or inhabitant of Palestine

-Pertaining to that area

-One of a group often ascribed characteristics (positive and negative) in an ignorant fashion by people of strong bias in other countries.

Also see Israeli

The Palestinian was a normal human being just like everyone else.

See ru


One who throws rocks

F'in Palestinians clogged the tracks on my tank again.

See towelhead, sandnigger, dunecoon, camel jockey, rock thrower


1. a person from Palestine; human like the rest of us with the same innate desires to be free, love, live and let live. Often a person struggling to retain his or her freedom under Israeli occupation and oppression.

2. An object from or originating in Palestine

Palestinian rap: A Palestinian's method of resistance without violence.

See palestine, palestinian, love, live, oppression, occupation, human


1. A Jordanian refugee living in Israel who is Arab.

2. A Jew.

Up unitll the 1960s, Jews called were from Palestine and called "Palestinian." When Jordan attacked Israel and lost, they were left with a refugee problem. In other words, Jordan (and the other Arab countries) refused to admit their Arab brothers into their borders, shifting the responsibility for looking after the ones left behind onto the Jews. The Jordanian refugees were labelled "Palestinian" and a myth was born. "Enlightened" housewives in Vermont like propel the myth of "Palestine" ever having been independent of Israel, as they equate the new Palestinians as being natives and the Jews as outsiders. A visit to the history section at your local library tells a different story. Both Arabs and Jews historically shared Israel, but never were any Arabs distinguished with a unique "Palestinian" culture or government, as oppossed to Jordanian. Since Jordan and the rest of Islam has turned its backs on the new Palestinians, a culture and government has emerged. Both are based on blaming the Jews, Islam, and martyrdom (terrorism).

Jason: Did you hear what the Palestinians did today?

Mike: What are you talking about? Those Arabs are not really Palestinian. Jews are Palestinian.

See jews, arabs, israel, palestine, middle east, jewish, israeli, sabra


An imaginary concept, much like Santa Claus or unicorns, that has been created and imbibed with a false history for political purposes.

Aggressive and animal-like, Palestinians tend to express themselves in harmful ways, such as through bus bombings, suicide attacks and terrorism.

The Palestinian was surprised to find that the 72 virgins waiting for him in hell after he blew up a kindergarden, were really 72 old ugly men.

See terrorists, arabs, dirty, suicide, israel


palestine as we know it today is 'a geographical manifestation of anti-semitism' (Simon Leigh). the area that was originally called palestine was meant for the area of the british empire underwhich both jews and muslims lived- it was never intended to refer to a 'palestinian people' such a people have never historically existed. palestinians have no shared culture, religion, or history they are simply arabs that have been dumped on Israels doorstep because the other arab countries dont want them, they are refugees, miscreants and nomads who have decided arbitrarily that the one little bit of land in the middle east not run by muslim dictatorships, oligarchies, militias, or police states, the only middle east democracy (known as Israel) that has jewish history stretching back 3800 years, is now theirs eventhough they have no tie to the land whatsoever.

there are no historical examples of palestinians before the modern state of israel because they never existed.

Its sole purpose is to be a thorn in Israels backside.

See palestine, palestinian, israel, plo, muslim


1.(noun) One who is a zealot for dead causes.


2.(noun, adj, adv) Used to describe, usually, a person who decides to destroy their percieved opposition, despite reality, usually by explosives, gunfire, or other light arms. Characteristically carried out in a suicidal fashion, with great collateral damage and rarely getting anywhere near their target.

1. "Damnit man, didn't you hear the BoSox actually won? You need to stop being palestinian and wearing that stupid "break the curse" shit cause it's gettin old."

2. "Yo why yo bro have to go all palestinian and shoot up that school? All them niggas did was call his sista a ho. And now hes servin life in the pen."


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