What is Palin-drone?
Murderous drag queen of dubious pedigree, hand(-job)-selected by the Gay Old Pedophiles (GOP) as butt boy extraordinaire to 'Senator' McBane. Notoriously misogynic and thoroughly misanthropic (due to gender and species xenophobia, respectfully), Palin-Drone prostitutes its own knocked-up 17-year-old spawn as anodyne for witless, anti-choice right-wingnuts. In a fortuitous twist of irony, Palin-Drone is ostensibly the same anti-Christ its own sycophants have been programmed to dread.
Palin-Drone's henchmen will require a minimum of one fortnight, alone with an unabridged dictionary, to decipher the semantics of this definition.
A phrase that, regardless of whether it is recited forwards or backwards, doesn't make any sense - but still sounds "cute".
"...ummmmmm....I can see Alaska from the bridge to nowhere...." is a palin-drone
"...lipstick on a hockey mom..." is a palin-drone
I counted 6 palin-drones during the last vice-presidential debate