
What is Palladin?


Palladin is simply a misspelling of paladin, which is already an existing word. The word "paladin" means knight, or the champion of a cause. It has its roots in the latin word for palace, because certain knights were in charge of protecting the palace. "Palladin" on the other hand, isn't anything but a misspelling by a doofuswho spends too much time in the basement playing WarCraft. It's a shame there are people who are too stupid to use a dictionary.

As a paladin for the English language, Tina pointed out that PJ was an asshat fucktardfor believing his typos were real words. Like "palladin", for example. Not content to merely jack offin private, PJ then typed his mendacity into slangdefine for the whole world to see, thereby depredating the usefulness and validity of the Urban dictionary. Thank god there are still paladins for intelligent thought.

See paladin, fool, loser, dumb, asshole, jerk, twat, jackass


Reroll. That is all.

At character selection screen, I chose a palladin.


See wow, world of warcraft, palladin, mage, hunter, rogue, shaman


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