What is Palm Bay?
A city in Florida noted for it's large negro population and world-renown meth houses.
"Hey wanna take a trip to West Palm?"
"Nah, meth's cheaper in Palm Bay"
A city in Central Florida, known for its array of aspiring rappers.
"Yooo Young D is gonna be the hottest rapper ever out of Palm Bay."
Palm bay is the second largest city (landwise) in the state, but the bay is in fact the size of a football field and is not even a park. It is well known for the criminals and robberies as well as the horrendous parks and athletic facilities. You will enjoy your time in this city as there are no malls, no downtown, no bowling allies, or no movie theaters. People spend their spare times getting lost in the circular roads with wierd names.
After getting lost on the way to the baseball field, I hit in my son baseballs in a park in PALM BAY where a ball came up and broke his nose