
What is Pano?


1. Short for Panayioti which in greek translate to "Holy Mother of God"

2. Slang for a Greek man, either overly handsome or overly smooth, or both.

3. Short for Panorama, a type of view or picture with an abnormally wide view

"Let me take a look at that Pano picture"

"Keep my wife or sheep away from that Greek, he is definitely a Pano!"

See handsome, greek, smooth, holy, mother of god


1. A person who doesn't take alot of baths.

2. Synonym for Moron

3. A carny

4. Something you call a person that makes everyone laugh because of how stupid they are

"Aww dude, that guy is such a Pano"

"Why are you friends with him, he smells like Pano"


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