
What is Parricide?


The act of killing a close relative either by murder, accidentor malicious intentin not assisting in giving immediate medical assistance. Or to aid in the false imprisonment of the relative until they are dead.

To stand by and let a close relative die i.e Mom or Dadand do nothing, while rubbing your fingers together with the thought of a nice big fat inheritance.

Although Trevor died from a massive blood clot to the brain, a natural stroke. There was evidence that parricide had been committed.

-Phones had been tampered with.

-Immediate medical assistance was not given.

-His clothes had been torn off his body to exacerbatetemperatures.

-Locks had suddenly sprung up as if like a prison.

-Money and valuables were missing.

-Medical equipment was found that he never used i.e. fabricated.

-Lies in statements etc

See parricide, patricide, matricide, infanticide, murder, dad, father, mother, mum, brother, sister, regicide


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