What is Parris Island?
U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot-Eastern Recruiting Region.
Where Marines are made. Where males west of the Mississippi and all females go for Marine Corps boot camp.
"The only way I'm getting off Parris Island is leaving a Marine!"
Absolute hell on earth. Recruits live here for the 3 longest months of their life, getting beat, having their bodies destroyed, every muscle in their body being broke down by the toughest beings on the planet, Drill Instructors. Much blood, sweat, and tears are spilled on this island, and the only way off is to survive, or die. There is no quitting, there is no escaping. There is only discipline. Marines are made here.
Drill Instructor: "Welcome to my island, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island. The only way OFF my beloved island is to complete my training, or come off in a bodybag. Its up to you. Now get off my fucking bus right now! MOVE YOUR ASSES!"
1.(verb)(noun) A place where military personnel turns civilians into pussys then marines. Living in hell is practiced here, along with: thrashings, rape, beatdowns,
looting, blanket parties, getting yelled at, P.T. and
massive disipline and control gaining.
2.(adj)(noun) A basic spawning point of
helpless recruits.
3. A great place to lose weight or gain fat.
4. Where civilians learn how to kill and blow
train, die.
5. A place where you officially lose your rights as an american.
Cock sucking shitheads welcome to MCRD Parris Island!!! you have motherfucking 12 seconds to get your sorry asses on those yellow strips!!!!!! You!! shut the fuck up!!! you will respond with AYE SIR, NO SIR, AND YES SIR. what the fuck did i just say?!!! 12, 11, 7, 6, 4, go, go, go!!!! My grandma moves faster than you fuckin slugs!!! off the buss!! (without that much cursing tho)
One of the few places in the United States that is home of the school of the art of 1st degree Murder, rape, pillaging, looting, and sexual child abuse