What is Parsonym?
An acronym contained within an acronym.
Example 1: USB is an acronym for "Universal Serial Bus." Bus is an acronym for "Bidirectional universal switch." Bus is a parsonym of USB. (Computer and Information Science)
Example 2: THIS is an acronym for "Tanzania HIV Indicator Survey." HIV is an acronym for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus." HIV is a parsonym of THIS. (Science and Medicine)
Example 3: TAPS is an acronym for "TERCOM Aircraft Positioning System." TERCOM is an acronym for "Terrain Comparison." TERCOM is a parsonym of TAPS. (Military and Government)
"Yeah, and then he says to me, 'Did you notice that "Bus" is a parsonym of USB?'" "Like I give a f***." "What a flake."
An acronym contained within an acronym.
In electronics parlance, USB is an acronym for Universal Serial Bus. Bus is an acronym for Bidirectional universal switch. In this instance, Bus is a parsonym of USB.