Party Poker

What is Party Poker?


online festivel of ass fagits and river fucktards. fast way to get rid of money in the world. also best way on the internet today to get rammed up the asshole

I was sitting some nl on party poker today and 3 niggers ass rammed me on their double inside tate flush draw against my quad 6's


Online Poker website that features many bad players who will continously put (donkey-stuff) their money in with nothing and have no common sense when it comes to poker. The players are especially bad when it comes to SNG's (Sit and Go) tourney's where they will go all-in with nothing on many occasions.

Boy, This kid named Hjelle9 on Party Poker is sure terrible on his post-flop play and definitely has a high VIP (Volume in Pot), and he a donkasaurus (donkey/idiot who doesn't understand the game)who is very Loose and more passive than anyone I have seen.

See party poker, pp, poker, donkey, spread


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