
What is Pashtun?


An Iranian Race prodominately inhabiting Afghanistan, and Northwestern Pakistan. The Language of the Pashtuns is Pashto whos origins can be traced back to Old Persian and other Iranian Tongues such as Palavi. Pashtuns(Afghans) like their Iranians cousins from across the border are ethnic Aryans(Iranian). They usually do not mix with non-aryan races in Afghanistan such as the Uzbeks and Hazara. However some Pashtuns are mixed with Greek and Macedonian blood, which give some Pashtuns their European characteristics. They are often competed with by the Tajiks(an ethnic minority, with significant representation in Afghan Government).

Pop. Of Pashtuns in Afghanistan: 56%, Pakistan: 22%, Iran: 6%

See afghan, pashtun, pashto, iranian, aryan, arian


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