
What is Pass?


1) - To hit on a woman, make a pass at

2) - To throw the ball across the line of scrimmage in football

3) - The act of throwing, kicking, etc. the ball or puck to a teammate in any sport

4) - To be granted a reprieve from being whacked (killed) by the Mafia. Called "given a pass". Forgiven for your sins or indescretions.

CATCH THE PASS! - Blades of Steel, Nintendo Game System


To refrain from something

-Would you like a drink?

-No thanks, I'll pass.


The act of impersonating a Caucasianis called "passing for white" or simply "passing". Light-skinned blacks or Latinos may have engaged in this activity (especially in pre-1960's America) in order to obtain privileges available only to those of the honkeypersuasion.

See: The Human Stain, Imitation of Life

The back of the bus seems kinda crowded. I think I'll pass for white today.

See ravy


To hand a joint to a fellow pothead. Especially when in a circle of people.

Always pass to the left.

Dude, pass that doob!

See weed, dope, doobie, pothead, pot, skank, doob


Does not have a twofold meaning, as those who pass the school evidently did not go to the school and therefore by a process of logical deduction could not pass exams either.

I did pass the school as the park provided natural recreational education.

See meaning, school, logical, deduction


To ask to go to the bathroom or go to your locker.

Dr. Barno, Its sabrina again, can I use the pass?


Pronounced: "P-ass" (noun)

Specifically female related term referring to the area residing behind the vaginal area and the anus. No entries found in medical terminology, but probably related to the slang term "Taint" or related to the male verson " Bass", both words thought to originate from "The Man Show".

"It's not my Pussy, and it's not my ass... It's my PASS"

A compound word, the female pass can be constructed as follows:

(P)ussy + (Ass) = Pass.

See taint, chode, gooch, perineum


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