What is Pastorbating?
The use of Reverend Jeremiah Wright to distract from the discussion of real issues in the 2008 presidential election.
Rather than discuss the issues with Senator Obama, Chris Matthews, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly chose to engage in some pastorbating
Jacking off to Jesus.
Originated from- PastorBanning. The guy who dies first in Tales of Symphonia.
I couldn't get to sleep last night because I could hear my neighbors pastorbating.
Accusing the media of unfairly and self indulgently going after Obama for his ties to racist, homophoe and afro-centrist hatemonger Jeremiah Wright.
Commonly used in the nutroots such as Democratic Underground,
usually by the far left black nationalists such as Frenchiecat and her alter ego Catherina.
The media is all in a self inflicted frenzy again. They are pastorbating.