
What is Pat-ball?


Pat-Ball or pat ball as it is also known is a game played predominantly by the youth of London. The game is played at school and involves hitting a tennis ball (or ball of similar properties) against the wall via the floor.

At present there is an initiative to create the first World Championships of Pat-Ball at Pat-Ball.

The game is similar to squash except for a few minor details:

1) You use your hand to 'pat' the ball as opposed to a raquet.

2) The ball has to hit the floor before it hits the wall.

3) There are no side walls.

A point is lost by:

1) The ball bouncing on the floor twice on your turn.

2) The ball not hitting the designated part of the wall.

3) The ball hitting the wall without bouncing first.

4) The ball not hitting the wall.

At present there is an initiative to create the first World Championships of Pat-Ball at Pat-Ball.

See patball


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