What is Patrick Malcom Freire?
a tall ginger that takes a load of cum in his ass twice a day. Which gives him the nick name THE CUM BUCKET. he also love long walk on the beach with his hairy partner ( usually named steve or carl)he also enjoys clevland steamrollers with a side of mung daily. He has no shaft for a penis, just the head. He IS the guy from the famous video " Mr. Hands" ( look it up, very devistating). most people do not like these rare gingers. Usually a test tube crack baby. often die young due to anal leakage and bleading from the eyes from taking it in the ass toooo mcuh!! All in all patrick malcom freire is the all time fucked up person in the world and someone you do not want to meet, even in your dreams.
I want patrick malcom freire to die.
I will never patrick malcom freire you, ever!!!