Patrick Star

What is Patrick Star?


A starfish who lives under a rock and is best friends with SpongeBob. He's a bit chubby and has a dick-like head...But he's cute with the dick-like head anyway...............

SpongeBob: Hey whats that dick-like thing?

Patrick: Uhhh, I think thats my head!


The cornucopia of awesome, Patrick is a dumb, pink starfish that often hangs out with his best pal Spongebob, as they wander around their hometown, Bikini Bottom, blessing the ocean with their stupidity. He is the dumber of the two (and that's saying something), but often has sudden bursts of genius, which disappear faster than they came. He is also the funnier of the two because he has the most badass voice and also because he had reached the absolute zenith of stupidity. That's right, Patrick Star had mastered the art of dumbassness (in a good way).

He rocks and you know it.

"The inner mechanations of my mind are an enigma."

"If I ever found the jerk that threw that peanut, I'd have a few choice words with him. Like, uh, "you". And "are". And "a jerk"!"

Patrick: "Well here's your problem! You have it set to M for Mini, when all you have to do is set it to W for Wumbo!"

Spongebob: "Partick, I don't think Wumbo is a word..."

Patrick: "C'mon! I Wumbo. You Wumbo. He, she, we Wumbo. Wumbology, the study of Wumbo. It's first grade, Spongebob!"

Spongebob: "I never should have doubted you, Patrick!"

*The quotes might not be exactly as they are on TV. Let's hope my memory serves me right*

See punchline


Patrick Star is a pink star fish on the Nickelodian hit cartoon "Spongebob Squarepants". He is the the stupidist character on the show yet somehow comes up with the funniest one liners. Also good to watch after smoking an ounce or two.

Spongebob: "Patrick, I'm MAD!"

Patrick star: "I'm MAD too!!"

Spongebob: "How's come?"

Patrick star: "I can't see my forehead..."

See patrick, star, starfish, pineapple


noun: a blowjob.

Originated from the term spongebob.

I want a patrick star from her!

See spongebob, squidward, gary, blowjob


Spongebob squarepants's idiotic companion. Is a pink starfish

EVIL SUPERVILLAIN: "it says patrick star on your driving license" PATRICK STAR: "that doesn't mean it's mine"


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