Patriot Act

What is Patriot Act?


A kneejerk response to 9/11that has the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves. The single greatest advancement of fascism in United States history, and it's only the beginning...

At this rate, we'll have more freedom in communist China than here in the United States.


Really the "USA PATRIOT ACT," and acronym meaning "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act." Like most of the Bush administration's actions, this one sickens me. Passed with almost no congressional review in the wake of 9/11(and thus taking advantage of our emotional state), the Patriot Act gives the Executive Branch and law enforcement almost Orwellian powers of investigation and presidence over the Constitution.

If the Founding Fathers were alive today, they'd probably stage another revolution against our current government.

See Mack


One of the foremost proofs that the United States of America is the most hypocritical nation in the entire world.

Also an attempt on the US Government's part to destroy as much of the Bill of Rights as is humanly possible without everyone noticing.

The Patriot Act is a good example of how the USA is well on its way to becoming a police state. We're already a bureaucracy, we may as well take the leap.


Basically George W. Bushwiping his arse on the U.S. Constitution. It wasn't even read by anyone yet it was approved by every Congressman in Washington D.C.

And the purpose of this bullshit is to protect freedom in America. Soon we'd probably have more freedom in Burma if this keeps up.

See tritium


Our country's fucking death knell.

The Americans are pissed off because their rights were taken away and their Constitution torn apart by the Patriot Act.


The latest attempt by the US Government to curtail the rights of its citizens.

See Not Proud to be an American


The "USA Patriot Act" stands for " Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism".

It is a document 342 pages in length with the first 6 pages being the index. The first line after the index is this:

SEC. 2. CONSTRUCTION; SEVERABILITY. Any provision of this Act held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, or as applied to any person or circumstance, shall be construed so as to give it the maximum effect permitted by law, unless such holding shall be one of utter invalidity or unenforceability, in which event such provision shall be deemed severable from this Act and shall not affect the remainder thereof or the application of such provision to other persons not similarly situated or to other, dissimilar circumstances.

(This amounts to saying that if this bill is a total crock of shit, with only one tiny detail being applicable, that shred will send you to the cooler pal!)

Like most bills which our senators and representative are "supposed" to read and understand prior to signing off, it could take a very long time to either agree or disagree with what's written. Thus we get this sort of bullshit shoved down our throats and up our asses on a continuous basis.

No doubt, this bill like many others was well intended, I hope, but has sweeping consequenses that only the best lawyers in the world will ever understand completely.

Hey Clyde! Watch out buddy, you just farted on US soil, you may be prosecutable under the USA Patriot Act!


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