
What is Patriots?


A secret society that controls every part of the US government in MGS2.

Did you hear there is a group that rules the united states and controls the government?

shhhh, they'll hear you.....


A bunch of no good, cheating, cry babies that allowed their cheating coach to leave the field because he was so upset that they are 18-1. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Boo Hoo - We suck ass Patriots can't win without filming the other teams defense. We Suck!!!!

See patriots, new england patriots, boston, football, superbowl, losers


To come so close yet so far

To be the best...only to loose in the biggest game of your life

Patriots = FTW != Superbowl

To give it like a man to the rest but bend over, and hold the ankles while a midget ass rapes you

Eli: Hey tom, did you get laid yet?

Tom: Well... I met her 1. brother, 2. her sister, 3. the dad, 4. step dad, 5. mom, 6. dog, 7. grandpa, 8. mailman, 9. grandma, 10. uncle, 11. aunt, 12. cousin in law, 13. fish, 14. boss, 15. coworker, 16. ex boyfriend, 17. insurance guy, 18. high school teacher

All of them liked me

Eli: did you get laid?

Tom: No I got rejected by her, she doesnt like me anymore

Eli: you pulled a patriots?

Tom: Yah, all that hard work for nothing

See patriots, looser, super bowl, 2007, upset, pathetic, san mateo


1. An American footballteam from Foxboro, MA. They have been called a "football dynasty"... up until Super Bowl XLII.

2. Any group that is dysfunctional or a waste of time; a group that wastes valuble resources.


The Patriots ended their 2007-2008 season with 18 wins and 1 "giant" loss.


Husband: Honey, did the newspaper arrive yet?

Wife: No, it hasn't.

Husband: Stupid Canadians- I mean, Patriots!

See patriots, new england patriots, new england, america, football, american football, soccer, ma, dynasty, super bowl, 2007, 2008, giant, giants, new york giants, canadians, blame canada


A well accomplished NFL team that has gone under much scrutiny due to an incident involving film. They have an excellent record, have broken numerous records and won more than one superbowl which is an accomplishment in itself. Many people who are anti-patriots come up with poor excuses to dislike them such as calling them (and their coach) "cheaters" despite the fact they aren't the only team that has filmed other teams. If you aren't competent enough to come up with an excuse for hating them just call them "cheaters" and high five whoever is near you.

-Dude the patriots are such fuckin cheaters they deserve to lose against manning!

uhh, they didn't cheat they just didn't stand in the designated spot while filming. Maybe you should read up on the rules before u say retarded things like that...

-STFU u fag! They DID cheat I know it!

can I just have my coffee already?

See patriots, football, nfl, record, team


See also La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo.

Ocelot is in league with Solidus, and with the Patriots, but will the Patriots condone the acts of either Solidus OR Ocelot?

See Grey Fox


Bunch of hacks who got their asses handed to them by the NYG during the epic Superbowl 42. Have a cheerleading squad of fans comprised of the same club who don pink BoSox caps.

True Patriots fans are like true Red Sox fans: There are very few far and in between.

The 18-1 record butt-hurtthe Japanesedeep sea scuba diver, who happened to be wearing a Patriots jersey and neon yellow Red Sox hat at the time.

See red sox, new england, football, sports, sux0r


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