
What is Paul?


A common given name for males, derived from the Roman surname Paulus (Latin: "small" or "humble"). Put simply, it is the greatest name to grace the Earth. Seriously. It is the best name in existance.

Why is the name Paul so awesome?

Cause' Stone Cold said so.

See paula


people who own, such as paul mccartney and paul rudd. usually they are offered the job of being pornstars but they prove themselves being too good for the camera, so they all decide to become porn directors to give the others a chance, which makes them very selfless people aswell.

"i wish my name was paul it wouldnt be so hard to get chicks on the bus"

"having a name like eric really blows i wish the 4 letters in my name were p-a-u-l"

See paul, emilio


a guy that is sweet, cool, handsome, athletic, cute, nice, and thoughtful.

"my boyfriend is cheating on me,what should i do?"

"girl!,you need to dump his ass and find yourself a Paul"

See amazing, cool, sweet, handsome, cute


gorgey gorgeous boy, whom we love, v.tall, beautiful eyes...

Wouldn't it be funny if we saw paul?!

OO look it's paul!



they sweetest guy ever, raised right and has the greatest respect for women. The perfect boyfriend who will always be there for you and love you.

paul martinez

See sexy, charming, gentleman, buffed, yummy


Big Advantage down below

Paul Goodey

See paul, big, dick, large, fizzle


To get drunk then try shaving your balls, but in the process cutting the sack.

Oh fuck! I just pauled my nuts!

See balls, scrotum, cut, shave, drunk


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