What is Paul Revere?
A sexual practice in which one lights a lantern and inserts it into the vaginal cavity of a female. The vaginal lips are then parted when the menstrual cycle begins, shining a light onto an otherwise dark room as a sign of warning against the "Red Coats".
Yeah, I guess i should have guessed that I'd get a bad case of blood-cock when she gave me the Paul Revere.
to fuck a girl in the ass while recieving a piggy back from your woman.
"kelsi was bein a bitch last night so i forced her into the paul revere"
v. - To slap a woman on the face with your dick, while wearing a small camp lantern on your cockhead, then yelling "The British Are Coming!" See also -
Jenna was giving me a shitty blowjob, so i put on the lantern and Paul Revered her ugly face