What is Pc?
politically correct
Personal Computer. A highly flexible, powerful platform. Worth the price tag because you can do a whole lot more
I'll just stick to my trusty old PC for my gaming needs ;^D
Politically Correct. A
I hate being PC. I want to go back to the days when men were men and women were glad !
A fuckwit is a 'fuckwit'. A fuckwit is not an 'otherwise valuable and wonderful person which I have failed to ascertain the reasons for being unable to understand or enjoy the company of'.
1: Police Constable. A man or woman in a dark-blue uniform who is no longer allowed to enforce the law, instead spends all his/her time filling in paper-work and going after motorists in order to make the government more money. Also used as foot soldiers by the UK government.
2: Personal Computer. A computer used in the home.
3: Politically Correct. This probably started out as a well-intentioned idea involving not offending people, but now it is used by wily politicians and control freaks as a way of policing what everybody says and thinks. An argument can be lost when one of the Political Correctness dictators calls their opponent a 'racist'. The opponent will then be totally discredited, as being accused of racism in modern Britain is akin to being accused of witchcraft in the middle ages. There is no defence. The word 'racist' has lost its meaning, is now no more than the kind of word used as a childish insult by brain-doning yobs who haven't the first idea what the words they shout and scream actually mean.
Interviewer: Wouldn't it be fair to say, MP, that your record is a complete waste of space and you've broken all the promises you made before you were elected.
MP: (always pc) You're a racist.
Interviewer: Oh, sorry. I stand corrected. You're a lovely man after all.
a personal computer (only refers to Windows, not Macs)
I got on my PC and chatted on IM.
an 80's term for politically correct
She's so PC, she saw the bald man and called him "follically challenged"
short for ‘
I am not the only one to find it sickeningly preposterous how many ignorant kids these days will buy immediately into this pc
bs found in their middle-school and even high-school textbooks incorporating hackneyed elementary phrases which their teachers do continue to teach as proven fact to their lied-to pupils, including such phrases as "In lands controlled by Muslims, the Muslims were required to show tolerance for the religious practices of Jews and Christians."--excerption fromp. 15{Prologue,Section2} of 'Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction' published by McDougal Littell© copyright C.E.2005.(Have you actually read what theQu'ran Koran states for yourself or seen any of the commonplace bombing which takes place on a daily basis in the boundary-disputedMiddle East over just that?)
Used to describe a person who gets along favorably with peoples' parents.
"Why not take me home to meet your parents, Ryan? I'm highly PC."
"My friend always tries to suck up to my parents when she comes over...I mean, they get along really well, but if you ask me.....she's a little TOO PC."
When a man has a small penis
Gretchen: "How was your date last night?"
Paris: "So PC, I won't be going out with him again."
Gretchen: "You are such a liberal! I can't believe you met a guy who is more PC than you."
Paris: "Not politically-correct! PC (PHALLICALLY-CHALLENGED)!