What is Pc Brigade?
(Noun) (Abbr. Political Correctness Brigade) (Chiefly British)
A smug, knee-jerk, ill-defined catch-all word that is overused by closet racists, sexists, homophobes and bigots to describe anyone who dares to challenge their hate speech with the values of respect and common human decency.
Synonyms: See tags
Antonyms: Users of the word
Many people of the 1930s: "Herr Hitler's such a nice man. All the PC Brigade does is moan about him for no reason."
In the UK in the nineties, the rise in cases of
HIV was mainly due to African immigrants diagnosed once they had arrived. Doctors tried to bring this to the attention of the health authorities but were calledracist by thePC Brigade and forced to spin the story that it was due to unsafe sex bypromiscuous britons, so failing to tackle the problem.