What is Pcg?
PCG is for Panicky Corporate Guy. A person who willingfully brands himself and his belongings with his companys corporate logos and prides himself/herself in doing so. The person also easily panics under minor work stress conditions.
Wow, that guy Jason sure does start to panic easily
Yeah, he is a PCG for sure!
Short for PC Gamer, one of the best magazines for PC games.
Hey man, the new issue of PCG has a Duke Nukem Forever cover!
Person that spends too much time on a computer, either playing games; listening to music; pirating software, a PcG has no life...
If you spend 5 or more hours on a computer a day, everyday, your a PcG...
Post coital grin
They came to visit after a long lunch looking very flushed and happy and could not stop smiling, in fact they had a PCG from ear to ear.
A homo sapien of female gender who participates in the activity of video games. Whether this is light playing or hardcore gamer does not matter.
Generally, these girls are not the ugly gamer "girl" but an average, if not attractive, young woman.
Man, did you see that PCG? She kicked my ass in Halo!