
What is Pc4pc?


Meaning "Picture comment for Picture comment" Often used by Myspace whores demanding comments on their heavily-photoshopped emo-angled shots to make up for a lack of real human contact and love.

Beautiful_Blood: Heyyyy PC4PC any1? Safe. <3

Sex_Cunt_Love: Hells yeah! your hair looks teh sex. Now PC me!!!!!!!!!!!

See myspace, emo, love, myspace whore, photoshop, Pennywhistle


Used on the popular website MySpace, stating that you will comment a users picture in exchange for a comment on your picture.

Britney: im bored pc4pc anyone?

See pc4pc, pc, comments, myspace


picture comment for picture comment

hey, why didn't you pc me? i pc'd you and said you'd pc4pc!

See pc, pc4pc, picture, comment, myspace


Casual way of asking for picture comments on social networking sites such as myspace, beboetc, with the understanding that you will return the favour, thus making both your profiles - and yourselves - seem more popular.

xX.BlooDLust.Xx : Im Bored! PC4PC Ppl!

See pc4pc, myspace, bebo


Also known as "Picture Comment For Picture Comment". Usually used on large Social Networks like MySpace, Bebo, and Facebook. "PC4PC" is a way for extremely fat and overweight teenage girls to tell all of their friends (friends as in people these fat overweight teenage girls go out and request everyone, even people they don't know as friends) that they have another 100 of the same pictures of them just as different angles uploaded, and they want other fat overweight teenage girls to comment on their pictures, so they don't feel ugly, so they want their "friends" to comment and say nice things on their pictures... And in return the fat overweight teenage girl will comment on the other fat overweight teenage girl's pictures telling her she is pretty too.

Fat Overweight Teenage Llama: "PC4PC ON MY NEW DEFAULT."

Fat Overweight Teenage Emo: "You Are Like So Pretty, I Wish I Was As Pretty As You!"

Fat Overweight Teenage Llama: "Oh Em Gee! Me Too, Don't Say That You Are So Much Prettier Than Me, I Wish I Was At Fat And Overweight As You!"

See fat, overweight, pc4pc, pc, 4, teenage


A way to ask people for picture comments on myspace. Girls often say "Your so pretty! PC4PC?" But really, you're making yourself sound desperate.

Pretty Girl who wants picture comments:

"cute, PC4PC?"

Ugly Girl:

Yahhh, your so pretty gorgeous, just look at your eyes! They're like WOAHHHH"

See pc4pc, dumbass, idiots, myspace, ugly


pc4pc like w4w is another myspace whore term Picture Comment For Picture Comment. Its a way for myspace whores to get there piture comments high cause nobody wants to have liek 2 comments && feel really ugly. Even though most of the ppl lie && say You're pretty anyway.

Ex. Hayy Bay Bay I Think You Lookin Fine. Ya Wanna Pc4Pc Wit meh? or

Hey Pc4Pc?

See pc4pc, p4p, pfp


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