What is P.d.c.?
Personal Daily Challenge
Anything that happens to you during a day that brings you misery is a PDC. Flat tire, run out of gas, open your closet and everything falls out, spill something on your clean shirt, etc.
I woke up to a P.D.C. when I got into the shower and the hot water was out!
Piss Drunk Cock
The letters PDC can be seen on some T-shirts in south Louisiana during Mardi Gras. It started out as a way for locals to make fun of the shirts the fraternities wore with three letters and the term PDC (piss drunk cock) was taken from the Adam Sandler (talking goat) CD
"Damn - he's passed out again"
"What a P.D.C."
abbreviation for 'pox doctor's clerk'; a a dubious character in cheap flashy gear.
Go out looking like that and they'll think your a friggin'pox doctor's clerk.