Pea Soup

What is Pea Soup?


a.) Old slang used to describe people of french heritage.

b.) strength or physical ability

a.) "Don't screw with him, he's pea soup!"

b.) *after throwing a car across a canyon* PEA SOUP, BITCHES.


It's when chef Gordon Elliott, through years of discipline and training, is able to actually urinate a meaty broth for the guests of his... oh wait... nope, that's pee soup. Sorry. Never mind.

My confusion is as thick as pea soup.

See pea, pee, soup, confusion, mistake, Madmann


Phrase to describe the smell of a guy called Senior Cardgage, who was extremely sketchy and gave Strong Sad nightmares.

Hey Pom-Pom, this guy smells like pea soup!

See Peter


A term used to refer to something that is considered awesome or good. Also used during conversation when talking about "hollering" at a girl/boy, making out with a girl/boy, having sex, or any other type of sexual contact.

Shakira is pea soup. Last night this girl stayed over and we made some pea soup.


Interchangeable with yummy Marijuana- also known as chrissy, pot, weed, or God's gift to the world.

I am so full right now- I just ate a whole bowl of pea soup!

See chrissy, pot, weed, marijuana, mary jane


Extremely thick smog, characterised by early black-and-white films set in between-the-war-and-just-after settings.

Cue: really bad cockney accent...

Cockney chap: Cor blimey, guv! I carn eevin see me face in this!

Cheeky chappy: Nah! S' a right pea souper n' no mistake!

See smog, mist, cockney, mockney, fog


(n.) Something really gritty and thick.

Skating through cement is like skating through pea soup.

... then when I stuck it in it felt like penetrating a fuckin pot chock full O' pea soup.

I ate this nasty burrito the other day and it gave me the worst pea soup shits.


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