What is Peacocked?
To excitedly deliver a piece of news to large group of people only to find they have know about it for two days minimum. Thereby leading them to conclusion you hve been locked in your bedroom for 48 hours with 300cwt of pornography
"Did you know Elton John is apparently gay?" "Sorry you've been peacocked"
Back in 1999, members of the football365 football forum (now mostly found at cupwinkcook) formed an e-mail group for some of the forummers to send each other the latest e-mail jokes, attachments, etc. in a convenient way.
One member of the group, Peacock (named so after the Leeds United nickname "The Peacocks"), had the rather annoying habit of posting the latest jokes, attachments, etc. after they had already been posted.
This led to the term "Peacocked".
*old joke arrives in Inbox*