What is Peacocking?
Peacocking means dressing for attention. Just like Peacock's use their feathers to get a mate.
Peacocking is meant to make opening a girl easier, but if you're not congruent with your look (like, if you look like you're gay and you try to hit on a girl), wires are gonna get crossed somewhere and you're gonna blow yourself out.
The act of texting someone next to or near you about someone else slightly farther away.
- only applies if the person who is the subject of the conversation is in view and is none the wiser
Me and Alyssa were totally peacocking earlier, Meghan had no idea what was going on.
Excessive displays of upper body flesh, by men, at inappropriate times in an effort to show off a new fake tan, a new roided up body, or a new trendy tattoo (i.e. barbed wire or Chinese power symbol); originated in homosexual communities, but is now commonly practiced by "alleged" heterosexuals at concerts, festivals, and other even more inapproprate settings.
It's 40 degrees, but those New Jersey
pricks are still peacocking around in jeans and no shirt. It's curious why a man would be peacocking at a Pantera concert... there aren't even any women here.
Achieving the absolute pinnacle of drunken display.
Jack languored onto the table, then burst into the most vulgar, perverse display of peacocking I have ever seen. How he fit that empty bottle there I will never know.