Peanut Butter

What is Peanut Butter?


leather interior in your pimp ride

"if you pushin candy color with buttah on cuttas" you ballin, houston style


a creamy delight sold in grocery stores commonly used in sandwiches and yummy chocolate candies.

My mum bought Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.


a name used to refer to a slutty girl.... you know peanut butter ... spreads easy

Oh my god, theres Michelle, PEANUT BUTTER!

See slut, skank, whore, tramp, fluzzy


A delicious substance made out of ground peanuts. Mad good with chocolate.

I put some peanut butter on my oreo cookies. Mmm mmm, motherfuckah.


A type of lubricant used for cowboy gay sex.

Just spread between the buns.


Jason: hey mike, come join me in bed.

Mike: yeh let me just get the peanut butter.

See peanut, butter, butt, lubricant, gay, sex



word filter on 4chan

god dam peanut butter always making noise

See peanut, butter, 4chan, /b/


Most frequently used when playing the card game Bull Sh*t (bs- other wise said bad spaghetti). After the person next to you has laid their card/s down, you say peanut butter to indicate that you lied and got away with it.

Bob: (lays down cards) 3 sixes.

Dan: (lays down card) 1 seven.

Bob: Peanut butter!

See lied, bull


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