What is Peanut Butter And Jealousy Sandwich?


When you are stuck between two people that want you and consequently hate each other.

Dude: "Oh, man... is that Karen??"

Bro: "Woops... yea... she totally just saw me with Steph!"

Steph: "Who's Karen???"

Dude: "Wow... well, I hope you enjoy your peanut butter and jealousy sandwich."

See peanut, butter, jelly, jealousy, jealous, sandwich


When you yourself are stuck between two people that want you (be it sexually, emotionally, for a relationship, or simply due to territorial instinct), and consequently hate each other.

Dude: "Oh, man... is that Karen??"

Bro: "Woops... yea... she totally just saw me with Steph!"

Steph: "Who's Karen???"

Dude: "Wow... well, I hope you enjoy your peanut butter and jealousy sandwich."

See peanut, butter, jealousy, sandwich, jealous


When you yourself are stuck between two people that want you (be it sexually, emotionally, for a relationship, or simply due to territorial instinct), and consequently hate each other.

Works for either two women jealous of the other for being around one guy, or vice versa.

Dude: "Oh, man... is that Karen??"

Bro: "Woops... yea... she totally just saw me with Steph!"

Steph: "Who's Karen???"

Dude: "Wow... well, I hope you enjoy your peanut butter and jealousy sandwich."

See peanut, butter, jealous, jealousy, jelly, sandwich


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