What is Peearrhea?
1. A watery form of diarrhea that resembles peeing from the anus.
2. Taking a liquid diarrhea dump.
Vince: Uh oh I've got diarrhea... gotta find a toilet pronto!
Mike: 1st door on the left jabroni.
Vince is making a splashy mess in the toilet bowl. 10 minutes later...
Mike: Everything come out alright Vince?
Vince: Man, I think I peed from my butt.
Mike: Oh man, you had peearrhea! That can be dangerous.
Vince: Tell me about it. I made a splashy mess in there.
having the feeling one's blatter is never relieved. usually associated with
Man, I
broke the seal , now I have peearrhea!