
What is Peem?


Any word ever.

From Hoshiko

"I peemed the yard."

See Jaime



There was peem all over the floor

See mike


A sound used to denote sadness, unhappiness, discontent, or a general feeling of blah.

Opposite of meep.

You: "You seem very peem today."

Me: "My cat got hit by a car."

You: "Oh, peem. :( "

See sadness, blah, discontent, happy, sigh


Similar to peen as in peenarse.

Ge0rdie is a peem.

See Sherminator


Equivolent to Jim, an abbreviation of the name James.

Scottish slang.

Hey Peem, you coming for some ale down the local boozer?

See James


has no meaning outside of the ti-team irc channel

peem = ????

See louie


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