
What is Peener?


Penis + Weiner = Peener

It's just more fun

Peener Peener Mansee has a weiner.

Sarah has a peener

That boy is a peener.

See Peener


1. A person, especially a man, regarded as being a goon, dufus, or dumb ass an ineffective person.

2. a contraction of the words penis and wiener ie. peener the bizarro world equivalent of which would be a weenis.

3. Vulgar Slang. A penis.

I can't believe I forgot about that. Maybe I have amnesia or maybe I was just a peener.

Excuse me, that was my peener you just groped.

See wiener, weenie, peenie, wanker, nick


penis,, male organ,

kiss my large peener

See Ratty


A nick name for a cool kad!

psh, Did you see that Peener today?... what a babe!

See peener, weiner, wenis


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