
What is Peen-pog?


originated from "powned" or "pooned"

online gamers used it when they got alot of kills or said it whenever something bad happend to another player.

person: omg dude i just got 2mill from pking!

person2: woah, gimmi some!

person: naw im gonna---

person2: gonna.....????

*20 seconds later*

person: Omfg! nnnnnooooo nnnnooooooooo!!!!!!@$@#$

person: some guy just killed me, i lost all my stuff! nnnooo!

person2:hahahhaha you got peen-pogged!


person2:hahahhaha you got pogged!

thats how you use "peen-pog"

See powned, pooned, p00ned, p0wned, pawned


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