Peeping Thong

What is Peeping Thong?


A phenomena that occurs when a ladyexposes her thong undergarments purposefully, or not. Also, when the distincitve triangle of a thong or g-stringshows above a woman's pants with the strings also visible.

Peeping thong is also known as a whale tail, a whale tail is the effect that happens when a girls G-stringor Thong becomes exposed as she walks, bends over or squats. Actually whenever you can see that wonderful exposed thong in the shape of a whale's tail. Lowrise jeans and higher cut thongs are creating for extremly great Whale Tails around as more and more thongs become exposed, so keep an eye out and get ready with your camera to catch these beautiful whale tails!"

See low rise jeans, thong, thongs, g-string, sexy, booty


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