What is Peggulated?
To have an adverse affect on a computer resource because you A) don't fully understand the application that you're using; B) don't possess the good grasp of the operating system you're using it on the way you think you do; C) don't have a functional understand of how a network functions; D) haven't involved the correct people in your "project" who can help you with any of those things; and E) screw up a production service or services as a result of the above because you "Pegged" a computer resource that wasn't designed to do what you're expecting to do in the first place.
"Uh oh, the datacenter DS3 utilitization just jumped from 5% to 100% utilization."
"Already looking into it... looks like the SMS server again. Probably deploying OS patches."
"I thought they scheduled that to take place at 3AM."
"Musta been Peggulated."