What is Pelt?
refers to the female pubic hair, esp. in abundance and in need of a desperate trim.
My girlfriend is sporting quite the nest of tousled fur down there these days. I prefer a neatly trimmed pelt of silky, nexus-conditioned hair...if any at all.
the hair surrounding a girl's pussy, though there doesn't have to be a lot of it; often a nice trimmed bush can be classified as a pelt.
I love to brush Holly's soft pelt gently with my face and lips before giving her the full tongue treatment, this gets her all hot and wet so she'll be ready when I dive in for the kill!
to get hit by something or punched by someone.
tom pelted brad fo not shutting up.
The backwards spelling out the acronym “TLEP” referring to men of a certain inclination. "They love eating pussy" and relish the chance to do it all day long...
You love to pelt the ladies.