
What is Peniriod?



A cyclic change of emotion in a man that results in a regular period of moodiness, withdrawal and irritability. Gender equivalent of a female monthly menstrual period.

Girl: Man, Simon is giving me no love this week, and keeps rejecting my texts and phone calls

Girl 2: Don't stress girl, he probably just has his peniriod. He'll be OK by next week, then he'll be all over you like a rash again


Boyfriend: Stop it! You are really annoying me. Just go hang out with the girls. I am going home to read tonight (Saturday night).

Girlfriend: Oh Ok grumpy! You so have your peniriod this week. Come see me next week when you get over it.

Boyfriend: Sigh. (To self) Whatever, bee-iarch.

See period, bad attitude, grumpy, rejection, hormones, men


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