Penis Envy

What is Penis Envy?


An aspect of Sigmund Freud’s developmental theory. Freud believed that during development girls had to switch from having the mother as the love object to having the father as the love object: and also switch from the clitoris to the vagina as the main genital zone. At about the age of four, Freud believed that girls first discovered they lacked a penis. The girl will blame her mother or the lack of a penis and the consequent hurt to her own self-esteem. This causes the girl to give up clitoral sexuality, and turn to the father as love object. This aspect of Freud’s theory has received a great deal of criticism, particularly from feminist psychoanalysts.

She has penis envy.


Penis envy is the reason feminists hate men. They are jealous of men's penises, and this jealousy gets taken out on men in the form of rage.

feminist: I hate men!

My friend: Why does she hate men so much?

Me: She wishes she had a penis... She has a bad case of penis envy

See penis envy, feminist, freud, men, women


a kickass album by the anarcho-punk band crass.

crass released the album 'penis envy' between the years 1900 and 2000.


A very funny random phrase to yell out during a quiet or tense moment. Best results when said quickly. The moment decides wether it sould be said loud or quiet.

-Now let us pray for this delicious turkey dinner...

- ...Penis envy (quietly)

- I told you to be home before dark. And you diliberatly disobeyed me. What do you have to say for yourself?

- PENIS ENVY! (loudly)


the theory that all girls secretly wish they had a penis.

Busch Bag: "I wish I could pee on her car."

Drotzer: "I know, penis envy."

See dick, penisenvy


When a young girl hates her mother for not being born with a penis. It is usually subconscious and the girl often hates her mother from years to a lifetime. In more serious cases the girl also grows up hating men for having the penis that she never did or ever will.

Women with this are not lesbians, they simply knew they were missing something as a child and are now unable to realize that's the cause for the hatred and oftentimes unable to change their ways

After years and years of hating her mother, Kelly realized she had penis envy...all she ever wanted was a penis

See envy, hatred, man


When one person is some how perceived to be better by comparison. It may be driven by envy or true admiration.

Her work is so good I think I have penis envy!!

See envy, better, size


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