What is People Who Think Opinions Can Be Wrong?


People Who Think Opinions Can Be Wrong have realized that opinions, despite popular belief, can indeed be wrong.

If you have an opinion that is based on your skewed and/or otherwise warped personal experiences instead of one based on well thought out research, your opinion is invalid.

Keep in mind, however, that "opinion" is different from "taste."

Example A:

"I think that Britney Spears is a more influential musician than Mozart or Bach."

This is a wrong opinion, it is neither backed up by research or facts. Anything coming out of this persons mouth you should take with a grain of salt.

Example B:

"I like vanilla ice cream more than chocolate ice cream."

This is an example of "taste" and it, unlike an opinion, can't be wrong.

People Who Think Opinions Can Be Wrong should learn the difference immediately, although they probably already have.

See people, who, think, opinions, can, be, wrong, taste


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