What is People's Republic Of California?


See also UCSR United California Socialist Republic

Quasi-communist state located South of Oregon and West of Arizona. Known for porous border and far-left policies and laws.

I would own a handgun, but the laws here in the People's Republic of California are asinine!

See commiefornia, ucsr, liberal, left-wing, mexifornia


Quasi-communist state loosely associated with the United States of America. Located South of Oregon and West of Arizona and Nevada. Home of all the fruitcakes and malcontents from the rest of the US. Noted for horrible drivers and a porous border. Largest non-English speaking population in the US. See also Mexifornia and UCSR.

Make sure you get the Spanish version of the driver's handbook, Jorge - and don't forget to thank the People's Republic of California for allowing it.

See mexifornia, ucsr, fruitcake, liberal, flake, shallow


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