
What is Pequannock?


A township of two distinct towns Pequannock and Pompton Plains, Pequannock being the slightly more ghetto of the two. A bunch of upper-middle class white kids with nothing to do except drink and go to the diner. A place where everyone knows everything about everyone else.

"There's nothing to do I can't wait to get the hell out of Pequannock"


Small upper-middle class suburban town located in Morris County New Jersey, the third richest county in the US. Home to the best Bagels in America(KC) and the best pizza in America (V and J's)...Also the birthplace of Derek Jeter. Made up of two towns Pompton Plains/Pequannock...Pequannock being the slightly more ghetto of the 2 as said in the other entry. The only common interests amongst the kids in the town are drinking and partying. Unfortunately due to the lack of maturity throughout the dicks who show up to the parties, fights always break out which then result in the cops showing up and before you know it the parties over. But thats ok because some kick ass parties are still thrown any way.(THE BEST NEW YEARS PARTY...MATT ..ngrats on that awesome party) Pequannock is also the US' capital of drama! (Could deff. do with out that but it keeps the town alive)Pequannock/Pompton Plains is place where diners, quick check, and where ever the parties at is always the cool place to be. (all of the scum bags chill at CVS where they act like the run shit when in reality no one could give two shits about them) The whole town is about 3 miles long. If you manage to get lost in Pequannock, you are a moron. The town consists of 3 public elementary schools, 1 middle school, and one high school with about 850 kids in it. If you live in Pequannock or Pompton Plains. you learn to HATE Depaul, Montville, and Caldwell. If you live in Pequannock and attend Depaul, you are an ass. The worst part about Pequannock is the Albanians. There the most hated of all right above the cops. We don't know when or how, but in the year 2007....The albies infiltrated our town and ever since we have had a new group to hate. The town in total is about 96 % white, 3 % albanian, and 1 % other... The one thing about the town though is that Tradition has and always will remain. The town is full of the pride in being panthers, will always be willing to defend the panther name, and we will always be better than you..(especially our Little League All Star Teams) Bottom Line is Pequannock is the shit.

Pequannock Rules

See pequannock, panthers


a small but fun town with many friendly people in it. It is easy to get around and not get lost. Unlike Wayne, which is a huge town where all the people care deeply about money and cheat in every sport they play. Anyway, pequannock is not exactly exciting but a lot happens that makes it interesting.

Pequannock is the best town in the whole world.

See pequannock, small town, tiny, fun


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