What is Percocet?
Prescription painkiller containing Oxycodone and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Oxycodone is the same drug that is in Oxycontin, although the dosages in Percocet are much lower. Prescribed for moderate-severe pain.
"Yo my doc gave 20 percocets for breakin' my nose in a fight"
World's greatest multi-purpose narcotic.
"Doctor, my life hurts, I need some percocet. Now GIVE IT HERE!"
Brad drove for 1 1/2 hr and went to some run down trailer park full of undesirables for some percocet.
1. the worlds coolest pain killer next to morphine
2. great when taken 5 or 6 at a time
You're really gonna perscribe percocet for this? sweeeeeeeet
tight ass painkiller that makes you high as a motherfucker, contains oxycontin
mom i think i have a headache, can you call the doctor and ask him to give me a whole bottle of percocet?
perscription drug which is a often abused perscription painkiller, and also (with oxycontin) is the favorite food of D1R3C7 CL4NL4N aka r1cH4rd aka da numba 1 pi|_|_ p0pp4 aka d1 ya herrd aka #1 b3d sh1tta aka #1 dick licka
damn, dir3ct just took 46 oxycontins and the whole bottle of percoset, no wonder they call him the #1 P1LL P0PP4 sh0w st0pp4