Perfect Woman

What is Perfect Woman?


Creature, much like Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Sasquatch and the Good Nigger- often spoken of, but one has never actually been seen by a reputable witness.

I met the perfect woman last night, just before I sailed my yacht back to my mansion.....yeah...that's the ticket!


A sexy woman with large breasts and an even larger bank sum. See also Kelsey Howle

That perfect woman over there is SO alternative!


3-foot tall, no teeth, DD's and a flat head to set your beer on.

God, that midget circus freak would make the perfect woman.

See slingblade


Mythical creature: slim, sexy, beautiful, tanned, woman. She should be able to cook, clean & iron. She should be thoughtful as in give me head while I eat my breakfast OR skin up before sex so I can lay back and smoke a spliff while the cum runs down her face.

guy: I met a perfect woman last night

mate: bollocks!

See G


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