
What is Perfectgirl?


the perfect girl really exists. she is amazing. i know this cuz .well. we used 2 "talk". but she was waaay 2 perfect 4 me. i didnt deserve her. at all. so, someone else stole her away from me. lucky bastard. :( we were together for almost 3 years on and off. i wish i treated her better. im sorry:( please forgive me. tho i know i dnt have another chance w u cuz u found sum1 else. some1 who u "are in love with" so u say, not just, "love him". you say that you think hes the 1 for u :( . i couldve been the guy 4 u. but, my mistake.

her name. well, im pretty sure she wouldnt like this. i wont give it away but ill describe her.:

she has brown hair, wavy/curly. she like to straighten it and MAN! she looks sooo nice however she does it. she likes 2 do her makeup with bright, glittery colors. sometimes, she plays it down by just going simple. her smile is AMAZING. she has rosy red cheeks. and she giggles and squeaks when she laughs. she is very poised and one of a kind. shes random and by that i mean, she kinda comes up with things outta the blue lol. shes very fun 2 be around, funny(haha) lol. and shes a little ill tempered when shes on her period lol but thats ok. i like it :) well, i used 2 anyways :( . when she thinks real hard, she kinda looks around, and makes cute little faces, then if she cant think of it, she shrugs :i dnt know" and she makes a cute little pouty face. she has a BAD memry, but for important things, she knows right away ;). she dnt take shit from no one. and i love that about her. she used 2 love partying, tho she wasnt an alcoholic. she dnt no more cuz she promised her new man she wouldnt. she keeps her promises. but, sometimes 4 little reasons if she dnt, she feels SO BAD. but, she does this little puppy face that no guy could ever resist. shes a little freak when the time comes around and MAN! that was such a turn on. ;) yea, and shes a little ditzy at times,and kinda has bad balance lol. but she was a cheerleader her freshmen year and was inded THE BEST OUT THERE> i would secretly watch her from the sidelines at football games, during basket ball (i didnt play) id sometimes watch her too. but when she wants 2 be, she is soooo smart. shes lazy sometimes 2 but thats ok. her eyes are a GORGEOUS light brown with a dark brown outline. when she wears blue eyeshadow, her eyes really pop. she loves 2 dance, draw, sing (shes REALLY good at it 2!!), and listen 2 music. but 4 active things, she likes to go quadriding, go out 4 drives, swimming, play softball (shes a pitcher, shortstop, 2nd base, 3rd base, and is very good at hitting, tho sometimes she kinda pulls it to 3rd lol,) volleyball (setter, hitter, and backrow), and likes 2 work out and run. shes very short, like 4'11 maybe, but MAN!! shes got a body ;). she is terrified of feet,leeches, jumping spiders, and death, so she never goes 2 hospitals, funerals, or morgues. she hates 2 cry in public, so she tries 2 act all tough when ppl are around, so shes never been 2 a wedding lol. she wants 2 tho, but i know the first she wants 2 attend will be her own. :) . i admire her cuz she speaks her mind, tho sometimes shes a little shy of saying the wrong answer lol. wheher its a yes, no, or a long answer like in a conversation, she mostly says, "idk", "maybe", or "not yet" . she absolutely HATES losing. shes competitive lol. she is very talented, and great at whatever she does. some of her favorite colors r red, deep purple, bright yellow, lime green, hot pink, black, white, and navy blue. shes a kinda neon girl i guess lol.she loves food. tho she says she cant eat in front of guys she really really likes. but, shes never been on a real dat. this is cuz she gad a quinceanera lol. yea, she was pretty um . wasted that night i hear. i didnt go cuz well, i just couldnt bare the thot of her in a formal dress. 2 hot lol. shes real down 2 earth. shes not concede, tho she really cares about her looks. shes the perfect girlfriend cuz of her unique qualities. shes 1 of a kind. and super CUTE. she doesnt think so, but soon shell know. shes graduating in 2011. :) . she plays instruments like, clarinet, flute, guitar, piano, and a little drums. i always wanted her 2 play me a song, but, i guess now she can 4 her "jock used 2 be stoner friendly who she thinks is perfect type" guy. that dam BASTARD :(. he dnt deserve her either. hes not good enough 4 her. shes WAY outta his league. hes like, this big muscle fatty guy, and shes so petite sexy and fragile.

yea. as you can see, shes AMAZING. shes:


shes the PERFECTGIRL for me.

See the, perfect, girl, ever, but, taken


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