
What is Performer?


Term for someone in the entertainmentindustry that people will pay to go see or watch on the screen, despite the fact that said person can't really sing, play music, act or do anything else noteworthy. Because they don't really sing, perform music or act, they can't legitimately be called singers, musicians or actors. 'Performer' is a nice catch-all term for such people that doesn't demean others in the entertainment business with actual ability.

Note that the mere fact that performers have no particular ability doesn't mean they can't make plenty of money doing whatever it is that they do. The one ability that performers generally have is marketability. And as countless examples have shown, the ability to be marketed (and to market one's self) is far more important than musical or acting talent anyway.

Recent examples of performers:

Britney Spears


Paris Hilton

Hilary Duff

All boy bands

Kevin Federline

See talentless, worthless, boy band, marketing, britney spears, madonna, paris hilton, hilary duff, kevin federline


Term for someone in the entertainment industry that people pay to go see or watch on the screen, despite the fact that said person can't really sing, play music, act, or do anything else noteworthy. Because they don't really sing, perform music or act, they can't legitimately be called singers, musicians or actors. Performer is a nice catch-all term for them that doesn't demean other people in the entertainment business with actual ability.

Note that the fact that performers have no particular ability doesn't meant that they can't make plenty of money doing whatever it is they do! The one ability performers generally have is marketability. And as countless examples have shown, the ability to be marketed (and to market one's self) is far more important and valuable than musical or acting talent anyway.

Recent examples of performers:

Britney Spears


Paris Hilton

Hilary Duff

All boy bands

Kevin Federline

See talentless, worthless, boy band, marketing, britney spears, madonna, paris hilton, hilary duff, kevin federline


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