
What is Perk?


a special privelige or side benefit.

Sleeping with many beautiful women is one of the perks of being a rock star.

See kingman


n. Alcohol


v. to be drunk

I could really use some Perk right now.

I'm so perked right now.


Perkalatin: To drink an alcahol beverage, such as remy martin, hennasy, cognac, and bacardi. To tha point of "You Don't Give A Fuck"

Represent Northern California Motha Fuckaz: Niggah we perkulating of this shit, come over here and hit this!!!



any alcoholic beverage

I need some perk so bad....


Perk- a prascription pill used for back pain, is crushed and snorted for a high

hey, when we where tweakin tha other day eden knocked over our perks the shiest

See perk, perks, numbers, letters


To smoke majiuana (1); have sex (2); or procrastinate (3)

ex. 1: "Nigga lets perk a blunt I wanna burn."

ex. 1b: "Dog that bong is nice lets perkulate"

ex. 2: "I'm funna perk wit dat bitch tonight."

ex. 2b: "Yeah doe doe she was perkin wit a real nigga last night"

ex. 3: "Nigga stop perking we gotta go!"

originated by andrew sinclaire and ej on the game

I was perkin and the examples are shown above

See perk, perkin, perkulator


1. an advantage of a particular job or assignment

2. percolated coffee

3. to run smoothly or well

One of the perks of sole-proprietorish is being your own boss.

See perc, perky, percolate, percolator, brew


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