
What is Persian?


The Persian Empire expanded from Africa to China and also to India, until Alexander the Great came along. Persians have a long and eventful history. The Shah of Persia, in the 1930s, changed the name of the country back to its original name, "Iran".

Iran means "the land of the Aryans". So Hitler and all his little Nazi friends were quite awfully wrong in calling themselves Aryans. The closest people of Aryan decent are Iranians and Afghanis and they certainly do not have blue eyes, blond hair and white skin.

As a result of mass integration of various cultures from around the Middle East area, Iranians nowadays are multiracial, but they still take great pride in their country.

Persia was a very rich country, and to some extent, it still is. But the majority of people in Iran are of lower class. However, most Iranians are hard-working and very motivated people. When they immigrate to other countries, a lot of them lead a good lifestyle because they work hard to earn a high status in society. Persians do not settle for anything but first place.

Lots of Persians who immigrate to new countries start out working in small businesses and often times, they start from scratch. They quickly work their way up. Persians are very hard working people.

See persia, iran, persian, shah, iranian


known to have some of the most exotic and beautiful girls

Golkoo is so beautiful


Persians are very, generally, good looking poeple. The have morals and respect their women (usually amazingly hott) They are rich because they have the old persian values instilled in them and they realize that knowlegde is the key to the future and money. They treat their women with respect, except some Americanized one's with American social skills consider themselves big pimps, but in all honesty, they are straying from the persian culture. Persian's are very noble and loving poeple, their kindness is unsurpassed by any other society, go to Iran and you shall see. Those in power, i cannot say the same generilization for, you must create your own opinion

Woman: I need to find a man that'll treat me right.

Woman 2: Get a persian, they treat you great, are rich, and damn they're good in bed


An Iranian.

Lifestyle: Depends on the person. A Persian can be poor, wealthy or of the middle class. There is no one single status that describes a Persian's lifestyle.

Religion: The official religion of Iran is Islam but there are also many other religions practiced by Persians, especially those living outside of Iran. These other religions include Bahai and Zoroastrian.

Are famous for: Their handcrafted rugs, poetry and cats. However, many people are naive to the fact that Persia used to be a great empire that ruled the vast land spanning across the middle east towards Africa and India. This land that the Persian King Dariush ruled over was called the "Aryan" land. Hitler messed up this term and referred to himself as Aryan and referred to Aryan as a race. This is very offensive to Persian culture. Aryan has nothing to do with Germans or Germany. Aryan is not even a race. It was used to refer to the land that the Persians lived on and. Aryan means "noble" in the ancient Persian language.

Physical features: Persian women are said to be some of the most beautiful women in the world. They are famous for their exotic looking eyes. In general, Persians have black hair, brown eyes, and light brown skin. However, this is just a generalization and it varies. There are some who have hazel eyes or brown hair, and some who have dark brown skin.

The Persian civilization was one of the first known civilizations of the early ages. If you ever get a chance to go to Iran, visit the ruins of Persepolis. It's beautiful.

See persian, iran, iranian, persia, middle east


someone who is from iran and is cool

check out taht iraj kid, he must be persian

See billy


Persian doesn't just refer to people from Iran, it refers to anyone who was a part of the great Persian Empire. All that is left of the empire nowadays is Iran, that is why people from Iran are mostly referred to as Persians.

Persians are not white. I don't think half the people who are defining "Persian" here have ever seen a Persian before in their life. Persians' skin colors range from olive to brown and their hair is brown and black. Eyes are usually brown or black, but hazel is common too. The notion that Persians have white skin and blue eyes stems from the Nazis trying to link themselves to Aryans (who were originally Iranian). However, Germans are not Aryan in any way. The Nazis were stupid, what can I say?

Persians are beautiful people with a beautiful culture.

See persian, iranian, iran, middle east, persia, afshin


iranians known for their food

my names moosa im an iranian last night i ate kabob tadig choresht and gondi oh yee i forgot the polo sabsi and the dolme

See gilad


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