Persian Knights

What is Persian Knights?


Persian Knights is a large semi-authoritarian gang that is prevalent in more than seven countries including the United States, Malaysia, Cyprus, England, Canada and Iran. Its roots are somewhat obscured, but its is believed to have been created sometime in the mid-1990's in the capital of Iran, Tehran. Other legends claim that the Persian Knights was first formed as a group in a small city in Cyprus called Famagusta - Gazimagusa in the local language. Gazimagusa means "the dead city", and some believe that members of the Persian Knights are "Ghosts of the dead city" because no one knows about their real identity. Members pledge their loyalty to God, Country and the life of the gang. Iranian gangs normally will concentrate on larceny and theft in various hotels. They normally concentrate on credit cards using them for the purchase of items or sometimes forging a credit card and passports for travel in-out of different countries. Some sell the stolen items to other criminals; this gang tends to be violent and will not hesitate to use weapons on their victims. Iran’s Mafia and Thai gang carried and robbed young Aussie owner of Diamond Shop


In past years, a small group in the US called the League of Yellow is taking after the essential concepts of the bizarre gang of Persian Knights.

"yo yo yo u see those persian knights commin down the street"


See gangs, persian, iran, iranian, weapons


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