
What is Persnickety?



Don't be so persnikety about what I put on your plate.


per⋅snick⋅et⋅y (per-snik-i-tee)


1. Showing particular attention to the details.

2. Related to being picky or fussy--over-particular.

3. Commonly perceived as snobbish or pretentious.

3. Fastidious.

"Don't be so persnickety, who cares which way the toilet roll hangs."

See picky, fussy, particular, pernickety, fastidious


A word that should be googledto find the definition as per direction from Dane Cook. It means picky or very fussy about small details or being a snob.

"I'm trying to be cool and this guy gets all persnickety at me suddenly, yah thats a word, google that shit, I'm off snarky, now we're on persnickety"-Dane Cook

See google, dane cook, fussy, snob, snarky, vicious circle, persnikety


When one does not know what to do with oneself; to be out of sorts; arsey

Don't fuck with me, I'm persnickety!

See grumpy, cranky, arsey, bitchy, narky


When a person is a douchebag or just gets on other peoples nerves

or a person who just doesnt fit in applies to this word.

A nice way to say a mean thing! :)

Persnickety person: Hey guys we should all go color our teachers face!

Average person: dang person ur so persnickety

-the persnickety people usually dont know they've been insulted ever!!! :P

See douchebag, nice, way, mean


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