What is Personal Opinion In Music?


This is something every human being should adopt. Everyone is different. Everyone has a different face, different arms, legs or whatever. Same goes for music. Personal opinion is what seperates people the most. And music is something every person enjoys, and everyone is different in this. So will people start, please, to accept that just because someone listens to different music to you, that they are automatically idiots or twats. My music taste is extensive. I listen to mostly Trance and Dance music, but I also like Hip Hop, Rock, Metal, R'n'B, and I even like classical sometimes. I like something of every genre, and I could walk up to anyone on the street, and say 'Hi, I like that' without it making me seem like a pussy or whatever. Because I can accept people have different tastes. All you gangsters, all you grungers, all you goths, All you ravers, you can all get along with each other if you break this barrier of music you all hide behind, and accept different people have different tastes.

Rapper: 'Hey goth, I hate you because you listen to shit music'

Goth: 'Screw you, my music has passion unlike your shite'

Me: 'You are both the same. You both have Personal Opinion in Music If you wore suits and no jewellery and make-up, you would ignore each other and get on with your lives.'

Rapper & Goth 'That man is sensible. I will shake your hand sir and bid you good day'

See common sense, Daz


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